Menu Options Collection
For Dormant A/c:
Main Menu ACM >
‘M’ and enter A/c no (F4) > enter option ‘S’ (F4) and (F6) and type ‘A’ in
a/c status then (F4) and (F10)
For Printing Statement:
Main Menu psp (F4) (F4) >
‘A’ in principal a/c holder (F4)
For viewing interest amount:
Main Menu ACM > Function
‘I’ and enter A/c no (F4) > enter option ‘?’ (F4)
For cheque book inquiry:
Main Menu ACM > Function ‘I’ and enter A/c no (F4) > enter option
‘Q’ (F4)
Verify through ICHB
For viewing Report:
Main Menu HPRTINQ > Go
> click on of the report name and click on type.
[NOTE: Must dump first before viewing report from report menu and type F (foreground) and N
For saving reports on
Main Menu PR> Select the
report you want by up/down arrow keys and press CTRL+E two times and the report
will be saved in C:/finreports
[NOTE: Must dump first before viewing report from report menu and type F (foreground) and N
For loading scanned
Main menu > LDIMG type filename or all and press F4
For verifying loaded
Main menu > IMGMNT and
select appropriate options
For verifying Cheques:
Main menu > ICHB and verify.
Lodging Foreign Cheques:
Realizing Foreign Cheques:
Main Menu >FBM > Function R then provide bill id and again enter R and provide Adj a/c for realization a/c > F4 > F4 > F4 > drop down to Com-Bills Colln and provide the amount (.15% or 500 whichever is higher) > drop down to Courier Charge field > F4 then drop down to Party’s a/c and provide the amount to be deposited after deducting all the amount.
Main Menu >FBM > Function R then provide bill id and again enter R and provide Adj a/c for realization a/c > F4 > F4 > F4 > drop down to Com-Bills Colln and provide the amount (.15% or 500 whichever is higher) > drop down to Courier Charge field > F4 then drop down to Party’s a/c and provide the amount to be deposited after deducting all the amount.
And Provide option A > F4 > F10
Current Exchange Rate:
Main menu > PRRTL > provide the current date and F4 > F10
Main menu > PRRTL > provide the current date and F4 > F10
Change Account holder Name
Main menu > AALM
Menu Options Regarding Inventory Maintenance
IMC: for movement of inventory.
IMR: for viewing inventory
movement transaction.
ISIA: for merging, splitting and inquiring inventory.
ISR: for inventory status
report of personal user id.
ISRA: for inventory status report of all location.
For manual interest charge for overdraft account
Run ACINT > Provide account number, Run force interest and
interest type DR or CR
Run RECSHF and follow the instruction.
Booking/Maintainance of Fixes Assets
thank you